Budgeting for Christmas

Since it is the FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER I am resharing this post from a few weeks back about Christmas budgeting and spending. Don't stress. It is a season of worship. Not a season of spending. 



It is the first day of fall! So today we are going to talk about Budgeting For Christmas. Wait, what?? 

I know. I know. But it will be here before you know it and I got a really interesting question from a reader earlier this week and got me thinking about budgeting for Christmas.

How do you guys budget for Christmas for the kids? I have a 5 year old and a 1 year old and I am trying to come up with a budget on how much to spend on them for Christmas. If you have any tips or advice it would be greatly appreciated! 

It really is a great question. 

As I thought about it I realized that I have never really set hard and firm rules for Christmas budgeting. I just have a number in mind and try not to exceed that. 

Last year I think we spent a combined $65 on both of our children, who were really still babies. And to be honest we gave them too many things. 

This is some advice I would give. 

1. What to give? 

This year we have a new policy. 

Four gifts and none of them that big. 

Something you want. 

Something you need. 

Something to wear. 

Something to read. 

I have heard of several people doing this and I LOVED the idea. 

2. Make a line item in your budget.

First of all if you're not making a zero-based budget you should be. Learn more here

Add Christmas to your budget just like you would anything else. Make a list of everyone you want to give a gift to and then create a gift list around the budget. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

3. Think of giving differently. 

Gifts are great. I love them. But that is not the reason to celebrate Christmas. I am a Christian and I believe that Christmas is a season of worship and celebration. Gifts are a bonus. 

Instead focus on creating lasting memories and traditions. I remember far more the fun things we did as a family than I do what I got under the tree. 

What about you? How do you budget for Christmas? Tell in the comments below!