No Spend August- Our Second Month-Long No Spending Challenge

No Spend August- Our Second Month-Long No Spending Challenge

A brand new month starts on the end of the week. I don't know why, but I love it when a new month starts on the weekend. It's like you don't have to process as much mental paperwork because it's the weekend. Maybe that's just sign 8,324 that I am strange. 

Starting Friday we are beggining another No Spend Month. For the month of August the Senn Family has committed to not spending money outside of our basic obligations. 

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Frugal, Debt Free Wedding Gift

Frugal, Debt Free Wedding Gift

My college roommate is getting married! I am so excited. The last time I was this excited about a wedding, it was my own. 

And Karen, the upcoming bride, was one of my bridesmaids. I really love her and I am just thrilled for her. 

This past weekend I attended a bridal brunch and being committed to a frugal debt free life, I wanted to give her something nice, but also inexpensive. 

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