Ways to make summer special on a budget

Are you feeling strapped for cash this summer? That’s okay we can still have a fun and special season. Here are a few low cost and no cost ways to make it happen.

Food on a tray

I do not know why kids love food on a tray. I do fruit, cheese, protein, and starch. Yesterday it was watermelon, blackberries, cheese, salami, and pretzels. I did put a few leftover muffins on the tray too. My kids ate every bit of it.

Cook together

There are so many fresh and fun summer recipes and kids love to cook. Yes, it’s pain sometimes to cook with kids, but it’s worth it for the skills it teaches them.

Let your child wash the produce, squeeze the limes, stir things, and pour ingredients from one container to another.

Go for a hike

Many trails are free at your local state park. Simply google hiking trails in your area to find more.

Enjoy your morning coffee outdoors.

I don’t know what it is about having your regular meals in new places that feels like a mini-vacation.

Summer reading!

Participate in your library’s summer reading program. Or print out a free reading chart from Pinterest and when it’s complete have a movie night. There are also free programs at bookstores like Barnes and Noble.

Do a free art lesson

Art for Kids Hub is a great YouTube Channel for free art lessons for kids. And it’s fun for grownups too!

Splash it up

If your community has a splash pad go later in the evening and then enjoy dinner there.

Dinner picnic with friends

Or invite your friends to the park for an evening of play and dinner.