Where is all my money going? 4 tips for finding budget leaks

Where is all my money going? 4 tips for finding budget leaks

If you're bringing home a steady paycheck, but you're finding yourself with more month than money, it's easy to ask: Where is my money going? 

Let's look at some places where your budget might be leaking. SO let's unpack this together and not only look at the bigger picture but take control of it. 

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Five reasons to meal plan (hint: you will gets HOURS of your life and THOUSANDS of your dollars back)

Five reasons to meal plan (hint: you will gets HOURS of your life and THOUSANDS of your dollars back)

It is no secret that I am not an organized person. Sigh. This is something I am working on, but it is difficult for me. But I have other good qualities...

But, one way I have gotten myself more organized is to plan my family's weekly menu. At our house we have my husband, me and our two sons who eat smaller portions of the same foods we do. Some days they eat way more than other days. 

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5 tips to make saving money a habit

5 tips to make saving money a habit

We are nearing the end of our No Spend Month. While we have had a few hiccups, I am pleased to say that our family not only met our savings goal for the month, we exceeded it by $200!

This has really helped motivate us as we work toward some future savings goals.

It's also been a reminder that saving money can be a habit and not a chore. It has become almost second nature to us and while we're not always perfect at it I am proud of the progress we have made.

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4 things to do when your spending gets off track

4 things to do when your spending gets off track

We all do it. We all intentionally or unintentionally spend money somewhere on something that is outside of our budget. 

It happens. In fact, I did it one Thursday night. 

It had been a long week. Jason has been traveling and I was home alone with two kids who were alternating illnesses. It was raining, I was exhausted and I had had it. So I put the kids in their car seats and drove to Zaxby's where I spent $20 on a garden salad and two kid's meals. $20!?!??

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3 things to do when you're so tired of being frugal you could scream

3 things to do when you're so tired of being frugal you could scream

Last week an incredible opportunity presented itself. And just as soon as I had it in my hands, it fell to the floor, crashed and burned.

Without going into the details it was the chance to travel to somewhere I have always wanted to visit but haven't had the chance, and to network with some people I have been wanted to meet face to face.

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5 Tips for Budgeting on an Irregular Income

5 Tips for Budgeting on an Irregular Income

You have heard me talk and talk and talk about the importance of a budget. But what about budgeting if you have in irregular income? This is actually a question I get a lot and I have a little bit of experience with this. 

When Jason and I first started budgeting we had an irregular income because Jason worked a lot of overtime and I worked a full-time job and freelanced. Our income was a lot smaller than it is today and it was frequently irregular. 

While I am not an expert in budgeting for an irregular income, I do have some experience. So I thought I would pass along some of that to you. 

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