Dealing with budgetary setbacks

Dealing with budgetary setbacks

Goals are important. Without them, it's really hard to anchor our time. 

When we make a to-do list, that's a goal. When we set out to lose weight with a number in mind, that's a goal. 

Why not deal with finance the same way? 

Jason and I are currently working on some big savings goals. We decided in February of this year on a specific number we needed in our savings account and estimated how long it would take us to get there. 

We've made great progress. But we've also had some setbacks. 

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How to not give up when paying off debt

How to not give up when paying off debt

“I can’t do this anymore, I feel like I am running but not getting anywhere and I want to quit.” That’s what the message I got on Facebook read. 

It wasn’t the first time I have gotten a comment or email from someone who was just at the end of their financial rope. I get hundreds of messages and comments each week from women who are frustrated, exhausted and they just want to give up. 

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Money and judgement: It's not up to us to determine how other spend their money

Money and judgement: It's not up to us to determine how other spend their money

A few weeks ago I was watching a family YouTube channel. The video was all about what the couple got their kids for Christmas. It was a fun video and the family is just precious. I don't know why but I found myself reading the comments. I never do this because let's be honest the comments section is where discourse goes to die. (Except here. You guys are wonderful!)

The comments that kept popping up were "look at how much money you're wasting" or "your children are so spoiled." 

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Four reasons you can't stick to a budget

Four reasons you can't stick to a budget

Each week I get countless Facebook or YouTube comments (and even emails) from people who say the same thing: "I try to budget but I just can't seem to stick to it."

I totally understand that. Like I said last week, no one is perfect at budgeting all the time. However, in my personal budget failure experiences, there seem to be a few things that pop up over and over again in failed budgets. 

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7 things you probably forgot to budget

7 things you probably forgot to budget

Has this ever happened to you? You sit down and make your budget. It's perfect. It's gleaming. Every penny is accounted for and then your kid gets sick, you realize you need to change your oil and your third-grader got invited to two birthday parties. Yup. Been there. (Only my child is five.)

Today I wanted to talk about 7 things you probably forgot to budget. Because we all do this at some point. 

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Are you really saving money?

Are you really saving money?

I enjoy saving money. As a reformed (ahem... reforming??) spender I get a little thrill when I get a good deal, cut down on a bill or end up spending less than I budgeted. 

But I have had to caution myself and work to really save money. It's one thing to pay less than retail or cut back on your expenses. It's another thing entirely to ACTUALLY save that money. And by save, I mean move to your savings account for a rainy day or applying toward a goal or debt. 

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Financially preparing for a baby

Financially preparing for a baby

When I first found out I was pregnant with my oldest son I heard a lot of comments like "sleep while you can" or "it's going to go by so fast" or "be prepared to have no money." 

And while it is true that babyhood goes by in the blink of an eye and that sleep is a commodity more precious than coffee or chocolate, the last one I have to disagree with. 

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