How to not give up when paying off debt

How to not give up when paying off debt

“I can’t do this anymore, I feel like I am running but not getting anywhere and I want to quit.” That’s what the message I got on Facebook read. 

It wasn’t the first time I have gotten a comment or email from someone who was just at the end of their financial rope. I get hundreds of messages and comments each week from women who are frustrated, exhausted and they just want to give up. 

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Communicating with your spouse about money even when he (or she) travels

Communicating with your spouse about money even when he (or she) travels

My husband travels a lot for work. While it's not a convenient way to live, my husband's job has afforded me the opportunity to be at home with our small children. 

However, I'm not going to sugar coat; it having one spouse that travels can wreak havoc on your finances if there isn't clear communication about your budget and financial goals. 

Here are a few tips for making budgeting a little easier when one spouse is traveling. 

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Dealing with budgetary setbacks

Dealing with budgetary setbacks

Goals are important. Without them, it's really hard to anchor our time. 

When we make a to-do list, that's a goal. When we set out to lose weight with a number in mind, that's a goal. 

Why not deal with finance the same way? 

Jason and I are currently working on some big savings goals. We decided in February of this year on a specific number we needed in our savings account and estimated how long it would take us to get there. 

We've made great progress. But we've also had some setbacks. 

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3 things to do when you're so tired of being frugal you could scream

3 things to do when you're so tired of being frugal you could scream

Last week an incredible opportunity presented itself. And just as soon as I had it in my hands, it fell to the floor, crashed and burned.

Without going into the details it was the chance to travel to somewhere I have always wanted to visit but haven't had the chance, and to network with some people I have been wanted to meet face to face.

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Three things that can WRECK your budget

Three things that can WRECK your budget

I think at some point we have ALL reached a point when there is more month than money.  

We may have entered the month with the best of intentions, but we just didn't stick to our budget. That could be for a number of reasons

But for a lot of people it comes down to three things, emergencies, lifestyle and guilt. Of course there are endless things that can wreck a budget if you let them, but it seems that these things that cause our money to fly out the window the fastest. 

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5 things to know before Black Friday shopping

5 things to know before Black Friday shopping

A black Friday ad arrived at my house yesterday. It came complete with a glossy fold out and a coupon. It's not the first ad I have received and I am sure it won't be the last. Each of these ads ends up in the exact same spot. My garbage can. 

I don't shop on Black Friday for a number of reasons, the first being I HATE crowds. The second being, I just don't think it's a good value. 

However, I do know a lot of you love shopping Black Friday. You rave about the great deals you find and I love hearing about them. However, I really would love to see you all go in there as informed consumers. 

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