3 tips for getting out the door faster (with small children)

3 tips for getting out the door faster (with small children)

Today, I wanted to share with you some tips on getting yourself and your kids out the door on time -- not early -- but on time. I have three kids now and, of course, that has done nothing to simplify my life.

I asked you guys for suggestions -- and boy! did you deliver. So I have implemented some of those into my life and I'm going to share with you what has worked.

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Tips for photographing toddlers (and small children)

Tips for photographing toddlers (and small children)

I am pretty sure I have photographed my children every day since they were born. Well, almost every day. 

If your child is anything like mine they are constantly in motion. I have lots of blurry photos, lots of pictures of the back of my child's head and lots of pictures of him crying because I made him sit still. 

And while I am NOT a professional photographer and have no desire to photograph anyone other than my family I have picked up a few tricks for photographing a toddler or young child.

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How to be less busy: 5 tips to reclaiming your time and getting your life back

How to be less busy: 5 tips to reclaiming your time and getting your life back

Do you ever feel like you’re long on to do and short on time? I have spent so many months, years even, feeling that way. It wasn’t until recently that I came to fully understand the amount of control I actually did have over my time and how I spent it.

In fact, it seems like that is one of the things that I do have near-complete control over. Sure, I have small children and a husband, a business, and obligations. There is a mortgage and tummies that need to be fed, diapers that need to be changed. I get all of that.

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