Four things to ask before making a big (or small) purchase

I have already told you how my husband and I dug our way out of debt. And I've talked about ways we save money everyday

I wanted to talk to you today about how to control your spending. This is still something I am working on, it's work. 

But you see, in order for us to get out of debt, it took some behavior changes. I had to really become intentional in my spending. That was difficult for me. If that's not something you struggle with, great. But for many, it is. 

So I have four questions I ask myself before I make a purchase.

1. Do I really need this. 

That's a fair question. Do I really need what I am buying, or do I just think I need it? Is it a want? And what is driving that want? Is it emotional? If it's not a need, or something I have wanted for more than six months and it's at an extraordinary price and I have the extra cash to pay for it... it goes back on the shelf. 


2. Do I have something else that will serve the same function? 

What is that old saying "use it up..."Do I have something I could "make it do?" Do I really need another tshirt? Cardigan? Coffee mug? 

3. Where am I going to put it? 

This is a big one for me. I have declared war on clutter in my house. So before I purchase something I have started to ask where I will put it. And now when I bring something into my house, it usually means something else is LEAVING!

4. Can I get it for a better price else where?

 Before I buy anything I have gotten in the habit of looking either on Amazon or Craigslist. This has proven to be smart. Before I bought my toddler a new dining chair booster booster seat (and found one on Amazon for $30) I looked on Craislist and found almost the exact same one for a third of the price. 

What are some ways you curb your spending? Leave me a comment telling me! I love to hear from you.