Where is all my money going? 4 tips for finding budget leaks

Where is all my money going? 4 tips for finding budget leaks

If you're bringing home a steady paycheck, but you're finding yourself with more month than money, it's easy to ask: Where is my money going? 

Let's look at some places where your budget might be leaking. SO let's unpack this together and not only look at the bigger picture but take control of it. 

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Three tips for saving up money fast

Three tips for saving up money fast

I think everyone finds themselves in a situation where they need to make a big purchase and they need to do it fairly quickly. 

You might remember that last year at this time my husband and I were saving for a new roof. And we were able to pull together the cash very quickly. 

Now we need to get a new vehicle and will need to purchase it in the next five months

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How cutting out just one thing can drastically change your budget

How cutting out just one thing can drastically change your budget

It happens when we're not paying attention. These little budget leaks start to trickle out each month or each week and before we know it we are underwater. 

It's a coffee here, or a trip to the drive-thru on a day you're really, really tired. I mean, do you guys remember the chicken finger incident

A could weeks ago I did a post on two reasons your spending freeze might have failed. I think this failure is usually due to one of two things, a lack of planning and not changing the root behavior. 

I truly believe that big change happens in small steps. It's why the baby steps are so popular, it's why people flock to Weight Watchers. It's why human beings take 40 weeks to grow. Big things happen in tiny steps. 

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5 tips to make saving money a habit

5 tips to make saving money a habit

We are nearing the end of our No Spend Month. While we have had a few hiccups, I am pleased to say that our family not only met our savings goal for the month, we exceeded it by $200!

This has really helped motivate us as we work toward some future savings goals.

It's also been a reminder that saving money can be a habit and not a chore. It has become almost second nature to us and while we're not always perfect at it I am proud of the progress we have made.

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Seven ways we saved $6,000 in six months

Seven ways we saved $6,000 in six months

Have you ever had a lot of life happen to you all at once? That's how our summer felt. One Tuesday afternoon I watched out our front window as a storm blew large chunks of our shingles off our house. 

On Wednesday, we saw the telltale signs of a leak blooming on our son's bedroom ceiling. On Friday, the AC went out. I am not even joking. Then I got a flat tire. 

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