When you're tired of budgeting

Do you ever just get tired of living on a budget? Tired of pinching pennies? Tired of searching for the best price? It is like the budgeting equivalent of senioritis. The days are getting shorter, all the fall sweaters are on sale. I just want to drink a PSL and not be an adult and think about all the numbers. 

But that's not reality. The reality is if you want to build your emergency fund or get out of debt or plan for the future you need a budget. 

1. Let go of the things that save money but not time.

 I quit clipping coupons. There I said it. There just reached a point where the amount of money I was saving was not enough to offset the amount of time it took me. 

I switched over to Walmart grocery pick up and it’s saved us a TON of money on our groceries as well as an INSANE amount of time. Also, you can save $10 off your first Walmart grocery pick up order.

Our family also quit using cloth diapers. There just came a point when the stress was no longer worth the savings. 

2. Set small goals. 

What is your end game here? Really think about it. What do you want? 

Is it to get out of debt? Great. But that's too general of a goal.

So instead of saying "I want to pay off my house early" or "I want to pay off all my student loans" set a smaller, more immediate goal. 

Instead set a goal like "I want to put an extra $500 this month toward my student loan" or "I want to put an extra $50 toward my credit cards."

3. Don't do what others are doing.

 It is not a competition to see who can save the most money. You friend might clip all the coupons, make her own laundry detergent and feed her family all organic for just $50 a week (jest, y'all, jest). 

But she is not you. I

It is not a competition to see who can be the most frugal. 

Find what works for your family and do it. 

I have a friend who LOVES spreadsheets. She puts her budget on spreadsheets and absolutely raves about them. 

Jason is the same way. But I HATE spreadsheets. I hate them. Just thinking about them makes me hate them more. 

4. Reevaluate your system. 

For a long time we used a composition notebook to track our spending. 

And then Jason started traveling for work. He was no longer home to balance the budget and we needed to come up with another tool. We started using an app that we can plug our items into right away. 

Our system was no longer working and we had to develop a new way of doing things. 

What about you? Do you suffer from budget burnout? And how do you deal with it?