Simple Quinoa Salad with beans and tomatoes

If you're like me you are constantly on the hunt for simple recipes that are healthy, delicious and won't heat your kitchen. (It may be April but it is HOT in South Alabama!)

A few weeks ago I whipped up this simple quinoa salad and shared it on Instagram. 

Today I thought I would share this very simple and very healthy recipe. 

You will need:

2 cups cooked quinoa

1 cup black beans 

1 cup grape tomatoes, halved 

a couple tablespoons homemade taco seasoning 

I use this quinoa because it is very inexpensive and you can get it at Target. 

While the quinoa is still warm I dump it into a stainless steel bowl and add my beans and taco seasoning. 

Then add in your tomatoes and give everything a good stir. 

That's it. It's so simple. Just a few basic ingredients. It's low allergen and super healthy. 

What about you? What are some of your favorite easy and delicious recipes?