Five Ways to Encourage a New Mom

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Photo of me and my son (9 days old) by Frame Photography

Today I am wearing a cute maternity top and leggings. The top is roomy and comfortable, warm, but not too hot and it's pretty flattering. The best part- it was gifted to me. 

We started attending a new church back in August. Now that our boy is older and more flexible with his routine, attending Sunday School has been easier. But up until this point our interactions have been limited to saying hi to the greater and having a quick chat with the nursery ladies. (Who all rock!)

SO I was surprised when two weeks ago the nursery director said "I brought you a bag of my maternity clothes." 

Her sweet boy is four-months-old and she had determined these were clothes she probably wouldn't need for a while. So she filled a target bag with cute tops and dresses and handed them over to me. It was a huge blessing. I opened the bag to find everything was in my size, all black and smelled of fabric softener. 

I wanted to cry. It was kind and thoughtful and this woman hardly knows me, and yet she felt compelled to bless me anyway. 

I thought about all the new or expecting moms I know and how I can bless them. So I jotted down a few ways that we as a blogging community can help out these women. 


1. Offer free babysitting. I have a friend whose husband is deployed. I can't imagine caring for an infant alone! It would be nothing for me to keep her sweet baby so she could have a much needed break. 

2. Offer to clean house. Those first few weeks can be tough. There is no sleep, babies want to nurse round the clock and a mom can still be in a lot of pain. Offer to clean her house, or better yet, watch the baby while she takes a long shower. 

3. Bring some meals, one for now and one for later. Bring a big ol' bag of food. I love to feed people. It's the old southern lady coming out in me. Take a family a basket of muffins, a casserole for dinner and one to stick in the freezer. If you're super nice include some paper plates. 

Here are some great freezer meals:

Chicken Casserole 

Lasagna Casserole 

Mushroom baked ziti

4. Share some loved favorites. Do you have some favorite books your older children loved? Maybe you have a box of diapers you never worked your way through? Or perhaps you have a nursing pillow, bassinet or infant toys your sweet child no longer needs? Share the love. (And as an added bonus get that stuff out of your house!)  

5. Send an encouraging note. Mail the new mama a card reminding her she is doing a great job. Include a scripture or inspiring passage. Let her know she isn't alone. 

Today I am linked up at The Baby Shower