Four things to do after a financial mistake

Four things to do after a financial mistake

We're not all perfect little money angels. And we don't need to pretend to be. Everyone makes mistakes. That is part of being a human. That is part of the learning process and the growing process. Mistakes happen.

But what do you do after you have had a financial upset or you have made a financial mistake?

It's tough. It's hard. It hurts sometimes. It hurts to realize that you did something stupid, but it also hurts to have to fix it. I want to talk about what to do when you have made a financial mistake and how to come back from that.

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Small changes that helped us get out of debt

Small changes that helped us get out of debt

When we talked getting out of debt it can feel a bit overwhelming, right? Like it takes a lot of HUGE changes to get out of debt. 

Yes, there will be some lifestyle changes that need to be made. Yes, you will have to change your thought process and relationship with money. But I truly, honestly believe that it is the small changes that have the biggest impact on our lives.
So let's talk some of those small changes. 

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How we decided to prioritize our debt pay off

How we decided to prioritize our debt pay off

As you may already know my husband and I became debt free in February of 2014. And I get a LOT of questions on how we did it. A LOT of questions. 

It's no secret that we are huge fans of Dave Ramsey. But I cannot totally say that we stuck to the baby steps 100 percent of the time. However, I just want to add the disclaimer, that I think he's right. I think his advice is spot on and he has helped millions of people. Listen to what he has to see and then apply it in a way that works in your real life. 

In fact, we were in the middle of Financial Peace University when we paid off our debt. So I know his system works. 

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16 money mistakes to STOP making in 2016

16 money mistakes to STOP making in 2016

Hang around, this year I am going to be motivating you on your own debt free journey. But first I wanted to share 16 money mistakes we ALL should stop making in 2016.

And some of these apply to me. Just because we are a frugal family who insists on paying cash for everything doesn't mean we don't make money mistakes. We do. LOTS of them. But here are 16 things I think we could all benefit from if we just stop doing them.

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